

First of all, thanks for taking time to read it.

My name is Anna and I’m kind of this polar bear’s best friend. The name of the polar bear is Medvedik. I am trying to help him to become a celebrity in the ever-changing world of the Internet.

I was born in the USSR, but grew up in Kazakhstan and Russia. I managed to embrace the multicultural mélange of the people belonging to the numerous religions and cultures, and formed my ideas about world believing in equal opportunities, freedom and hard work. I also believe that positive or negative thinking forms the reality, that’s why I prefer staying on the positive side

I graduated with honours from Orenburg State University in 2008. As my future profession I decided to become a teacher of English language and culture. Why did I choose this subject? Because people who were able to speak many languages always fascinated me. I was always passionate about languages and I’m trying to benefit from any possibility to broaden my knowledge.

My first language is Russian, but I live and work in Dubai, therefore I have my blog in English.

Medvedik’s Adventures project really appeared by itself – I didn’t plan it or adopt it from anyone. It has just happened that after buying this cute polar bear, I couldn’t leave him behind anymore. We always explore things together and he really enjoys life with me (I hope). I realize that Dubai must be a terribly hot place for him, but he adapts as fast as I do to weather and climate changes.

I hope you are having fun reading my blog about Medvedik – the cute polar bear.

If you have any questions or proposals, please do not hesitate leaving a comment here. I’d gladly answer any questions you have.

14 thoughts on “About

  1. This is just adorable! Where’s Medvedik headed next?

    Every since I worked with a Russian trader, I’ve always wanted to learn how to speak your language.


  2. Hello, really nice work with your blog! I was wondering if I could have the rights to use one of your photos as a short story collection cover? Thank you, Dafni

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